Summit X460-G2系列--拥有革命性的ExtremeXOS模块化操作系统,可扩展的、高级的汇聚、边缘交换机。
Summit X460-G2系列基于极进网络革命性的操作系统ExtremeXOS®,该操作系统是一个高适应性的操作系统,它提供了不间断的运行时间、可管理性和运行效率。每一台交换机都提供了同样的高性能、无阻塞的硬件技术,符合极进网络通过在网络中使用常见硬件和软件来简化网络部署的传统。
Summit X460-G2交换机是高效的园区边缘交换机,支持IEEE802.3at PoE+供电,也能做传统企业网络中的汇聚交换机。SummitX460-G2系列同样支持DSLAM或者CMTS汇聚或者用于活跃的以太网访问。
Summit X460-G2能够作为架顶式交换机用于许多数据中心环境中。特性如高密度千兆以太网可用于密集的数据中心环境;XNV™(ExtremeXOS网络虚拟化)支持集中的基于网络的虚拟机清单、虚拟机位置历史和虚拟机设置;DirectAttach™减轻服务器的虚拟机交换的负载,以提升性能;大容量的二层和三层可扩展性支持高度虚拟化的数据中心;机架内和机架间的堆叠提供业界领先的灵活性。
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Summit X460-G2 通过特殊的端口密度和由ExtremeXOS模块化操作系统提供的高性能堆叠技术提供核心级智能交换与路由。
极进网络Summit X460-G2在1U的机架空间中提供高密度千兆以太网,一个系统能支持多达52个端口。对于来自数据、存储、语音和数据融合的新兴需求,Summit X460-G2提供高可扩展的二层/三层交换和多协议标签交换(MPLS)/分层虚拟专用局域网服务(H-VPLS)。Summit X460-G2交换机还支持提供桥接 (PB, IEEE 802.1ad)。
Summit X460-G2提供了灵活的端口配置。Summit X460-G2 24电口带10Gb上联口的型号,提供了4个专属和4个共享的千兆以太网光口,该交换机能够提供多达8个千兆光口,同时提供20个千兆电口(PoE+或者非PoE)。Summit X460-G2 24电口带1Gb上联口的型号能提供多达12个SFP端口和20个千兆电口或者8个SFP端口和24个千兆电口。
所有自带4个SFP+万兆端口或者4个SFP千兆端口的X460-G2型号,这几个端口都位于设备的面板上。通过一个可选的VIM槽位,Summit X460-G2交换机能够配备一个额外的2个10GbE的端口的模块,带10Gb上联的型号能总共拥有6个10Gb以太网口。作为另外一个选项,每个型号都能配备2端口的QSFP+ 40Gb以太网口以用作上联或者堆叠。
Summit X460-G2使企业园区网络、数据中心和运营商以太网的边缘、汇聚和核心骨干网部署在直流和交流供电的环境内。Summit X460-G2通过运用在所有极进网络以太网交换机中的 ExtremeXOS模块化操作系统简化了网络操作。网络中随处可见的统一ExtremeXOS操作系统为您提供了高可用性和简单性。
Summit X460-G2提供边界时钟(BC)、透明时钟(TC)以及普通时钟(OC)来同步相位和频率,并且允许网络和连接设备通过以太网连接同步至毫秒级的精确度。
Summit X460-G2系列支持IEEE 802.1音视频桥接协议,确保可靠的、实施的音视频在以太网中的传输。AVB技术提供了现今高分辨率和时间敏感的多媒体流所需的服务质量。AVB技术包含的标准协议有:IEEE 802.1BA、802.1AS、802.1AK、802.1Qav、802.1Qat。
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Extreme is excited to attend #NRF17! Stop by our booth and learn how to address the needs of #connected customers:
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10 hours ago
- 1u的机身可提供52端口、48端口或者28端口的千兆以太网连接
- 前面板提供4个SFP+ 10GbE端口或者4个SFP 1GbE端口
- 所有型号均非阻塞
- 提供电口、光口和POE+型号
- 可选的2端口10GbE光口和电口选项提供额外的20Gbps上联
- 可选的2端口40GbE提供80Gbps上联或者SummitStack-V160堆叠
- 可选的语音级SummitStack 40Gbps堆叠或者SummitStack-V80 80Gbps高速堆叠或者SummitStack-V长距离堆叠,支持跨机箱链路捆绑
- 灵活的IEEE 802.3at PoE+提供高达1668w的功率输出,以满足融合网络应用不断增长的需求
- 前向后送风或者后向前送风
- 支持VRRP虚拟路由网关备份协议
- 支持RFC 3619环网保护协议,故障恢复时间<50ms
- 支持SyncE G.8232和IEEE 1588 精确时钟协议
- 硬件支持Y.1731 OAM测量以实现精确性
- 高级的2层/3层交换以及MPLS/H-VPLS支持全面的安全管理
- 支持用户策略和主机完整性强制执行和身份管理
- 通用端口动态安全设置在网络中提供极具细粒度的安全策略
- 威胁监测和响应仪器通过CLEAR-Flow安全规则引擎对网络入侵进行响应,配备基于行为检测的安全机制功能,自动侦测整机内网用户间的DoS 攻击行为(如: sync flood等),可定制告警、创建 ACL 或禁止端口等自动响应
- 拒绝服务(DoS)保护和IP安全防御中间人和DoS攻击以巩固网络基础设施
Summit X460-G2
交换机型号 | 最大的活跃1GBE端口数 | 最大的活跃10GBE端口数 | 最大的活跃40GBE端口数 | 聚合的交换机带宽 | 帧转发率 |
Summit X460-G2-24t-10GE4 | 28 | 6 | 2 | 296 Gbps | 220.2 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-48t-10GE4 | 48 | 6 | 2 | 336 Gbps | 250 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-24x-10GE4 | 28 | 6 | 2 | 296 Gbps | 220.2 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-48x-10GE4 | 48 | 6 | 2 | 336 Gbps | 250 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4 | 28 | 6 | 2 | 296 Gbps | 220.2 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4 | 48 | 6 | 2 | 336 Gbps | 250 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-24t-GE4 | 28 | 2 | 2 | 220 Gbps | 163.7 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-48t-GE4 | 48 | 2 | 2 | 260 Gbps | 193.4 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4 | 28 | 2 | 2 | 220 Gbps | 163.7 Mpps |
Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4 | 48 | 2 | 2 | 260 Gbps | 193.4 Mpps |
- 不到4ms的时延(64字节)
- 二层/MAC地址数:176K
- IPv4 LPM条目数:12K
- IPv6 LPM条目数:6K
- 4096个VLAN/VMANs
- 9216字节的最大包大小(Jumbo帧)
- 128条负载共享中继链路,每个中继链路支持最多32个成员
- 4096入带宽计量器
- 针对每个流/ACL的进出带宽策略/速率限制
- 每个端口8个QoS出队列
- 每个出队列和端口的出带宽速率整形
- 限速细粒度:8Kbps
交换机型号 | 端口 |
Summit X460-G2-24t-10GE4 |
Summit X460-G2-48t-10GE4 |
Summit X460-G2-24x-10GE4 |
24个10/100/1000 BASE-X (SFP) 光口- 4 个复用端口 8个10/100/1000 BASE-T (RJ-45) 电口 - 4 个复用端口 4个10GBASE-X(SFP)光口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2-48x-10GE4 |
48个100/1000 BASE-X (SFP) 光口 - 4 个复用端口 4个10GBASE-X(SFP)光口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4 |
24个10/100/1000 BASE-T PoE+电口- 4 个复用端口 8 个100/1000BASE-X (SFP) 光口– 4个复用端口 4个10GBASE-X(SFP+)光口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4 |
48个10/100/1000 BASE-T PoE+电口 4个10GBASE-X(SFP+)光口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2-24t-GE4 |
24个10/100/1000 BASE-T (RJ-45) 电口- 4 个复用端口 12个100/1000BASE-X (SFP) 光口– 4个复用端口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2-48t-GE4 |
48个10/100/1000 BASE-T (RJ-45) 电口 4个1GBASE-X (SFP) 光口– 4个复用端口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4 |
24个10/100/1000 BASE-T POE+ 电口- 4 个复用端口 12个100/1000BASE-X (SFP) 光口– 4个复用端口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4 |
48个10/100/1000 BASE-T POE+ 电口 4个1GBASE-X (SFP) 光口 1个串口(RJ45控制口) 1个10/100BASE-T输出管理端口 1个USB端口用于外置USB闪存 |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2x |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2t |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2ss |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2q |
Summit X460-G2 TM-CLK |
交换机型号 | 重量 | 物理尺寸 |
Summit X460-G2-24t-10GE4 | 12.9 lb (5.85 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 17.0 inches (43.2 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-48t-10GE4 | 13.3 lb (6.03 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 17.0 inches (43.2 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-24x-10GE4 | 13.1 lb (5.94 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 17.0 inches (43.2 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-48x-10GE4 | 14.1 lb (6.4 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 17.0 inches (43.2 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-24t-GE4 | 12.9 lb (5.85 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 17.0 inches (43.2 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-48t-GE4 | 13.3 lb (6.03 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 17.0 inches (43.2 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4 | 14.6 lb (6.62 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 19.1 inches (48.5 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4 | 15.2 lb (6.9 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 19.1 inches (48.5 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4 | 14.6 lb (6.62 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 19.1 inches (48.5 cm) |
Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4 | 15.2 lb (6.9 kg) | Height: 1 RU / 1.73 inches (4.4 cm) Width: 17.4 inches (44.1 cm) Depth: 19.1 inches (48.5 cm) |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2x | 0.57 lb (0.26 kg) | Height: 1.4 inches (3.55 cm) Width: 3.4 inches (8.6 cm) Depth: 5.5 inches (13.9 cm) |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2t | 0.57 lb (0.26 kg) | Height: 1.4 inches (3.55 cm) Width: 3.4 inches (8.6 cm) Depth: 5.5 inches (13.9 cm) |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2ss | 0.57 lb (0.26 kg) | Height: 1.4 inches (3.55 cm) Width: 3.4 inches (8.6 cm) Depth: 5.5 inches (13.9 cm) |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2q | 0.57 lb (0.26 kg) | Height: 1.4 inches (3.55 cm) Width: 3.4 inches (8.6 cm) Depth: 5.5 inches (13.9 cm) |
Summit X460-G2 TM-CLK | 0.19 lb (0.08 kg) | Height: 1.4 inches (3.55 cm) Width: 0.9 inches (2.29 cm) Depth: 6.3 inches (16.0 cm) |
Summit X460-G2 Front-to-Back fan module | 1.0 lb (0.46 kg) | Height: 1.59 inches (4.04 cm) Width: 4.8 inches ( 12.2 cm) Depth: 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) |
Summit X460-G2 Back-to-Front fan module | 1.0 lb (0.46 kg) | Height: 1.59 inches (4.04 cm) Width: 4.8 inches ( 12.2 cm) Depth: 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) |
NOTE: Switch weights include installed fan module. They do not include installed VIM2 modules or PSUs.
* Please refer to the Summit Family Switches Hardware Installation Guide for packaged weight and dimensions.
- 64位MIPS处理器,双核,1GHz 时钟频率
- 4GB eMMC 闪存
- 4MB packet缓冲
- 每个端口状态LED,包括电源状态
- 系统状态LED:管理、风扇和电源
300W AC PSU | 300 DC PSU | 715W AC PSU | 1100W AC PSU |
尺寸 | Height 27 mm (1.06 inches) Width 78 mm (3.09 inches) Depth 277 mm (10.9 inches) | Height 27 mm (1.06 inches) Width 78 mm (3.09 inches) Depth 277 mm (10.9 inches) | Height 40 mm (1.56 inches) Width 82.5 mm (3.25 inches) Depth 287 mm (11.3 inches) | Height 40 mm (1.56 inches) Width 82.5 mm (3.25 inches) Depth 287 mm (11.3 inches) |
输入电压范围 | 85-264 VAC | -40 to -72 VDC | 85-264 VAC | 85-264 VAC |
线频范围 | 47 to 63 Hz | n/a | 47 to 63 Hz | 47 to 63 Hz |
电源输入插座 | IEC 320 C14 | n/a | IEC 320 C16 | IEC 320 C16 |
电源线输入插头 | IEC 320 C13 | n/a | IEC 320 C15 | IEC 320 C15 |
工作温度 | 0 deg C to 50 deg C normal operation | 0 deg C to 50 deg C normal operation | 0 deg C to 50 deg C normal operation | 0 deg C to 50 deg C normal operation |
Switch Model | 1 PSU of 715W | 1 PSU of 1100W | 2 PSUs of 715W | 1 PSU of 715W and 1 PSU of 1100W | 2 PSUs of 1100W |
Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4 | 500 W | 850 W | 1031 W | 1350 W | 1668 W |
Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4 | 500 W | 850 W | 1031 W | 1350 W | 1668 W |
Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4 | 500 W | 850 W | 1031 W | 1350 W | 1668 W |
Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4 | 500 W | 850 W | 1031 W | 1350 W | 1668 W |
Switch Model | 1 PSU of 715W | 1 PSU of 1100W | 2 PSUs of 715W | 1 PSU of 715W and 1 PSU of 1100W | 2 PSUs of 1100W |
Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4 | 16 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W |
Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4 | 16 ports @ 30W 32 ports @ 15.4W | 28 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W | 34 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W | 45 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W | 48 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W |
Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4 | 16 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W | 24 ports @ 30W 24 ports @ 15.4W |
Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4 | 16 ports @ 30W 32 ports @ 15.4W | 28 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W | 34 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W | 45 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W | 48 ports @ 30W 48 ports @ 15.4W |
Switch Model | Minimum Heat Dissipation | Minimum Power Consumption | Maximum Heat Dissipation Nominal | Maximum Power Consumption Nominal |
Summit X460-G2-24t-10GE4 | 229 BTU/hr | 67 W | 427 BTU/hr | 125 W |
Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4 | 260 BTU/hr | 76 W | 3583 BTU/hr | 1050 W |
Summit X460-G2-48t-10GE4 | 250 BTU/hr | 73 W | 427 BTU/hr | 125 W |
Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4 | 287 BTU/hr | 84 W | 3668 BTU/hr | 1075 W |
Summit X460-G2-24x-10GE4 | 209 BTU/hr | 61 W | 427 BTU/hr | 125 W |
Summit X460-G2-48x-10GE4 | 202 BTU/hr | 59 W | 427 BTU/hr | 125 W |
Summit X460-G2-24t-GE4 | 215 BTU/hr | 63 W | 427 BTU/hr | 125 W |
Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4 | 250 BTU/hr | 73 W | 3583 BTU/hr | 1050 W |
Summit X460-G2-48t-GE4 | 243 BTU/hr | 71 W | 427 BTU/hr | 127 W |
Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4 | 284 BTU/hr | 83 W | 3668 BTU/hr | 1075 W |
- EN/ETSI 300 019-2-1 v2.1.2 – Class 1.2 Storage
- EN/ETSI 300 019-2-2 v2.1.2 – Class 2.3 Transportation
- EN/ETSI 300 019-2-3 v2.1.2 – Class 3.1e Operational
- EN/ETSI 300 753 (1997-10) – Acoustic Noise
- ASTM D3580 Random Vibration Unpackaged 1.5 G
- 温度:0° C to 50° C (32° F to 122° F)
- 湿度:10% to 95%相对湿,无冷凝
- 高度:0 to 3,000 米 (9,850 英尺)
- 抗震能力(半正弦):30 m/s2 (3 G), 11 ms, 60 shocks
- 随机振动: 3 to 500 Hz at 1.5 G rms
- 温度: -40° C to 70° C (-40° F to 158° F)
- 湿度: 10% to 95%相对湿,无冷凝
- 包装的抗冲击力(半正弦): 180 m/s2 (18 G), 6 ms, 600 shocks
- 包装抗振动性: 5 to 62 Hz at velocity 5 mm/s, 62 to 500 Hz at 0.2 G
- 包装的随机振动: 5 to 20 Hz at 1.0 ASD w/–3 dB/oct. from 20 to 200 Hz
- 包装的落地高度: 14 drops minimum on sides and corners at 42 inches (<15 kg box)
- UL 60950-1 2nd Ed., Listed Device (U.S.)
- CSA 22.2 #60950-1-03 2nd Ed. (Canada)
- Complies with FCC 21CFR 1040.10 (U.S. Laser Safety)
- CDRH Letter of Approval (US FDA Approval)
- EN 60950-1:2007 2nd Ed.
- EN 60825-1+A2:2001 (Lasers Safety)
- TUV-R GS Mark by German Notified Body
- 2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive
- CB Report & Certificate per IEC 60950-1 2nd Ed. + National Differences
- AS/NZX 60950-1 (Australia /New Zealand)
- FCC CFR 47 part 15 Class A (USA)
- ICES-003 Class A (Canada)
European EMC Standards
- EN 55022:2006+A1:2007 Class A
- EN 55024:A2-2003 Class A includes IEC 61000-4-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11
- EN 61000-3-2,8-2006 (Harmonics)
- EN 61000-3-3 2008 (Flicker)
- ETSI EN 300 386 v1.4.1, 2008-04 (EMC Telecommunications)
- 2004/108/EC EMC Directive
International EMC Certifications
- CISPR 22: 2006 Ed 5.2, Class A (International Emissions)
- CISPR 24:A2:2003 Class A (International Immunity)
- IEC 61000-4-2:2008/EN 61000-4-2:2009 Electrostatic Discharge, 8kV Contact, 15 kV Air, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-3:2008/EN 61000-4-3:2006+A1:2008 Radiated Immunity 10V/m, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-4:2004 am1 ed.2./EN 61000-4-4:2004/A1:2010 Transient Burst, 1 kV, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-5:2005 /EN 61000-4-5:2006 Surge, 2 kV L-L, 2 kV L-G, Level 3, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-6:2008/EN 61000-4-6:2009 Conducted Immunity, 0.15-80 MHz, 10V/m unmod. RMS, Criteria A
- IEC/EN 61000-4-11:2004 Power Dips & Interruptions, >30%, 25 periods, Criteria C
- VCCI Class A (Japan Emissions)
- ACMA (C-Tick) (Australia Emissions)
- CCC Mark
- KCC Mark, EMC Approval (Korea)
- ETSI EN 300 386:2001 (EMC Telecommunications)
- ETSI EN 300 019 (Environmental for Telecommunications)
- NEBS Level 3 compliant to portions of GR-1089 Issue 4 & GR-63 Issue 3 as defined in SR3580 with exception to filter requirement
- CE 2.0 Compliant
- IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T
- IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X
- IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-X
- IEEE 802.3at PoE Plus
Switch Model | Acoustic Information | |
Summit X460-G2-24t-10GE4 | Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Front to Back (FB) air flow | |
Summit X460-G2-24t-GE4 | Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** |
49.1 dB(A), 0C to 45C | 6.0 bels, 0C to 45C | |
54.9 dB(A), 50C | 6.6 bels @ 50C | |
Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Back to Front (BF) air flow | ||
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
48.9 dB(A), 0C to 35C | 5.9 bels, 0C to 35C | |
59.5 dB(A), 45C | 7.2 bels, 45C | |
65.6 dB(A), 50C | 7.8 bels, 50C | |
Summit X460-G2-48t-10GE4 | Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Front to Back (FB) air flow | |
Summit X460-G2-48t-GE4 | Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** |
47.6 dB(A), 0C to 45C | 5.9 bels, 0C to 45C | |
64.5 dB(A), 50C | 7.7 bels, 50C | |
Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Back to Front (BF) air flow | ||
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
47.7 dB(A), 0C to 35C | 5.9 bels, 0C to 35C | |
58.7 dB(A), 45C | 7.2 bels, 45C | |
65.3 dB(A), 50C | 7.8 bels, 50C | |
Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4 | Dual 715W or 1100W AC PS with Front to Back (FB) air flow | |
Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4 | Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** |
52.2 dB(A), 0C to 45C | 6.9 bels, 0C to 45C | |
64.3 dB(A), 50C | 7.6 bels, 50C | |
Dual 715W or 1100W AC PS with Back to Front (BF) air flow | ||
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
50.9 dB(A), 0C to 31C | 7.2 bels, 0C to 31C | |
64.2 dB(A), 35C | 7.6 bels, 35C | |
70.8 dB(A), 50C | 7.9 bels 50C | |
Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4 | Dual 715W or 1100W AC PS with Front to Back (FB) air flow | |
Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4 | Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** |
52.2 dB(A), 0C to 45C | 7.3 bels, 0C to 45C | |
61.8 dB(A), 50C | 7.4 bels, 50C | |
Dual 715W or 1100W AC PS with Back to Front (BF) air flow | ||
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
50.8 dB(A), 0C to 35C | 7.3 bels, 0C to 35C | |
69.8 dB(A), 50C | 8.1 bels, 50C | |
Summit X460-G2-24x-10GE4 | Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Front to Back (FB) air flow | |
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
48.8 dB(A), 0C to 45C | 6.0 bels, 0C to 45C | |
61.9 dB(A), 50C | 7.5 bels, 50C | |
Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Back to Front (BF) air flow | ||
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
48.8 dB(A), 0C to 35C | 6.0 bels, 0C to 35C | |
58.7 dB(A), 45C | 6.9 bels, 45C | |
66.7 dB(A), 50C | 7.8 bels, 50C | |
Summit X460-G2-48x-10GE4 | Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Front to Back (FB) air flow | |
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
48.9 dB(A), 0C to 45C | 6.0 bels, 0C to 45C | |
60.5 dB(A) @ 50C | 7.4 bels, 50C | |
Dual 300W AC or DC PS with Back to Front (BF) air flow | ||
Bystander Sound Pressure* | Declared Sound Power (LWAd)** | |
48.8 dB(A), 0C to 35C | 6.0 bels, 0C to 35C | |
57.5 dB(A), 45C | 6.9 bels, 45C | |
66.1 dB(A), 50C | 7.8 bels, 50C |
*Bystander Sound Pressure is presented for comparison to other products measured using Bystander Sound Pressure.
**Declared Sound Power is presented in accordance with ISO-7779:2010(E), ISO 9296:2010 per ETSI/EN 300 753:2012-01
Summit 300W AC PSU | Summit 300W AC PSU is compatible with Summit X460-G2-24t/48t/24x/48x switches. |
Summit 300W DC PSU | Summit 300W DC PSU is compatible with Summit X460-G2-24t/48t/24x/48x switches. |
Summit 715W PoE AC PSU | Summit 715W PoE AC PSU is compatible with Summit X460-G2-24p/48p switches and provides 500 watts of PoE-plus power budget per one supply. When two PSUs are installed, the total PoE-plus power budget becomes 1031 watts. |
Summit 11000W PoE AC PSU | Summit 1100W PoE AC PSU is compatible with Summit X460-G2-24p/48p switches and provides 850 watts of PoE-plus power budget per one supply. When two PSUs are installed, the total PoE-plus power budget becomes 1668 watts. |
VIM Modules | Timing Modules |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2x | Summit X460-G2 TM-CLK |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2t | |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2ss | |
Summit X460-G2 VIM-2q |
Part Number | Name | Description |
16701 | X460-G2-24t-10GE4-Base-Unit | 24 10/100/1000BASE-T, 8 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP (4 SFP ports shared with 10/100/1000BASE-T ports), 4 1000/10GBaseX unpopulated SFP+ ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16702 | X460-G2-48t-10GE4-Base-Unit | 48 10/100/1000BASE-T, 4 1000/10GBaseX unpopulated SFP+ ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16703 | X460-G2-24p-10GE4-Base-Unit | 24 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE-plus, 8 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP (4 SFP ports shared with 10/100/1000BASE-T ports), 4 1000/10GBaseX unpopulated SFP+ ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16704 | X460-G2-48p-10GE4-Base-Unit | 48 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE-plus, 4 1000/10GBaseX unpopulated SFP+ ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16705 | X460-G2-24x-10GE4-Base-Unit | 24 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP, 8 10/100/1000BASE-T (4 10/100/1000BASE-T ports shared with SFP ports), 4 1000/10GBaseX unpopulated SFP+ ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16706 | X460-G2-48x-10GE4-Base-Unit | 48 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP, 4 1000/10GBaseX unpopulated SFP+ ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16716 | X460-G2-24t-GE4-Base-Unit | 24 10/100/1000BASE-T, 12 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP (4 SFP ports shared with 10/100/1000BASE-T ports), Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16717 | X460-G2-48t-GE4-Base-Unit | 48 10/100/1000BASE-T, 4 1GBaseX unpopulated SFP ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16718 | X460-G2-24p-GE4-Base-Unit | 24 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE-plus, 12 100/1000BASE-X unpopulated SFP (4 SFP ports shared with 10/100/1000BASE-T ports), Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16719 | X460-G2-48p-GE4-Base-Unit | 48 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE-plus, 4 1000/10GBaseX unpopulated SFP+ ports, Rear VIM Slot (unpopulated), Rear Timing Slot (unpopulated), 2 unpopulated PSU slots, fan module slot (unpopulated) |
16710 | Summit X460-G2 VIM-2q | Optional Virtual Interface Module for the rear of the X460-G2 providing 2 40GBASE-X ports unpopulated QSFP+ |
16711 | Summit X460-G2 VIM-2x | Optional Virtual Interface Module for the rear of the X460-G2 providing 2 10GBASE-X ports unpopulated SFP+ |
16712 | Summit X460-G2 VIM-2t | Optional Virtual Interface Module for the rear of the X460-G2 providing 2 10GBASE-T ports |
16713 | Summit X460-G2 VIM-2ss | Optional Virtual Interface Module for the rear of the X460-G2 providing 2 ports of Extreme's SummitStack |
16715 | Summit X460-G2 TM-CLK | Optional Timing Module for the rear of the X460-G2 providing the hardware for SyncE and 1588 PTP clocking with 2 ports of mini-BNC connectors for clocking outputs |
16421 | Summit X460 Advanced Edge Lic | ExtremeXOS Advanced Edge License for Summit X460 series switches |
16422 | Summit X460 Core License from Edge Lic | ExtremeXOS Advanced Core License upgrade from Edge License for Summit X460 series switches |
16423 | Summit X460 Core License from Advanced Edge | ExtremeXOS Advanced Core License upgrade from Advanced Edge License for |
Summit X460 series switches | ||
16424 | Summit X460 MPLS feature pack | ExtremeXOS MPLS Feature Pack for Summit X460 series switches |
11011 | Direct Attach Feature Pack | Direct Attach Feature Pack |
16755 | Summit X460-G2 Network Timing Feature Pack | Summit X460-G2 Network Timing Feature Pack |
16425 | Summit X460 OpenFlow FeaturePack | ExtremeXOS SDN - OpenFlow Feature Pack for Summit X460 series switches |
16426 | X460 Multimedia(AVB) Feature Pck | ExtremeXOS Multimedia Service (Audio Video Bridging) Feature Pack for Summit X460 series switches |
10328 | Summit 480/460-G2 3rd Party Optics Lic | ExtremeXOS 3rd Party Optics (40G and 100G) Feature-Pack for Summit X480 and X460-G2 |
10941 | Summit 1100W PoE AC PSU FB | PoE 1100 Watt AC Power Supply module for Summit X460-G2 and X450-G2 series switches with Front-to-Back airflow |
10942 | Summit 1100W PoE AC PSU BF | PoE 1100 Watt AC Power Supply module for Summit X460-G2 and X450-G2 series switches with Back-to-Front airflow |
10951 | Summit 715W AC PSU FB | 715W AC Power Supply Module - front to back airflow |
10952 | Summit 715W AC PSU BF | 715W AC Power Supply Module - back to front airflow |
10930A | Summit 300W AC PSU XT | 300W AC Power Supply module for Summit X460 & E4G-400 Series Switches - Extended Temperature Range from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius |
10943 | Summit 300W AC PSU BF | 300W AC Power Supply Module - back to front airflow |
10933 | Summit 300W +24V/-48V DC PSU | 300W +24V / -48V DC Power Supply Module for the X460 and the E4G-400 platforms |
10944 | Summit 300W DC PSU BF | 300W DC Power Supply Module - back to front airflow |
10945 | Summit X460-G2 fan module FB | Front-to-back airflow fan module for Summit X460-G2 series switches |
10946 | Summit X460-G2 fan module BF | Back-to-front airflow fan module for Summit X460-G2 series switches |
10319 | QSFP+ SR4 module | 40 Gigabit Ethernet QSFP+ SR4 optical module, MPO connector, 100m link length |
10320 | QSFP+ 40GBASE-LR4 | 40 Gigabit Ethernet QSFP+ LR4 optical module, LC connectors, 10km SMF link length |
10301 | 10GBASE-SR SFP+ | 10GBASE-SR SFP+, 850nm, LC Connector, transmission length of up to 300m on MMF |
10302 | 10GBASE-LR SFP+ | 10GBASE-LR SFP+, 1310nm, LC Connector, transmission length of up to 10km on SMF |
10309 | 10GBASE-ER SFP+ | 10GBASE-ER SFP+, 1550nm, LC connector, transmission length of up to 40km on SMF |
10303 | SFP+ LRM Module | 10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ module, 1310nm, legacy MMF 220m link, LC connector |
10051 | 1000BASE-SX SFP | 1000BASE-SX SFP, LC Connector |
10052 | 1000BASE-LX SFP | 1000BASE-LX SFP, LC Connector |
10053 | 1000BASE-ZX SFP | 1000BASE-ZX SFP, Extra Long Distance SMF 70 km/21 dB Budget, LC Connector |
10056 | 1000BASE-BX-D SFP | 1000BASE-BX-D SFP, SMF (1490nm TX/1310nm RX Wavelength) |
10057 | 1000BASE-BX-U SFP | 1000BASE-BX-U SFP, SMF (1310nm TX/1490nm RX Wavelength) |
10060 | 100FX/1000LX SFP | 100FX/1000LX SFP, SMF, LC Connector (Requires MCP and 6dB Attenuator for 100FX-MMF Operation) |
10063 | 100FX SFP 1 | 100FX SFP, MMF, LC Connector |
10064 | 1000BASE-LX100 SFP | 1000BASE-LX100 SFP, Extra Long Distance SMF 100 km/30dB Budget, LC Connector |
10065 | 10/100/1000BASE-T SFP | 10/100/1000BASE-T, SFP, CAT 5 cable 100m, RJ-45 Connector |
10067 | 100BASE-FX SFP | 100M SFP, 100FX MMF, (1310nm, 2km multimode transmission) LC connector |
10066 | 100BASE-LX10 SFP | 100M SFP, 100LX10 SMF, (1310nm 10km single mode transmission) LC connector |
10058 | 100BASE-BX-D SFP | 100M SFP, 100BASE-BX-D, SMF (1550nm TX/1310nm RX wavelength), 100 Mbps bidirectional |
10059 | 100BASE-BX-U SFP | 100M SFP, 100BASE-BX-U, SMF (1310nm TX/1550nm RX wavelength), 100 Mbps bidirectional |
10071 | SX SFP 10 Pack | SX-SFP 10 Pack |
10072 | LX SFP 10 Pack | LX-SFP 10 Pack |
10051H | 1000BASE-SX SFP, Hi | 1000BASE-SX SFP, MMF 220 & 550 meters, LC connector, Industrial Temp |
10053H | 1000BASE-ZX SFP, Hi | 1000BASE-ZX SFP, SMF 70km, LC connector, Industrial Temp |
10071H | 1000BASE-SX SFP 10 Pack, Hi | 1000BASE-SX SFP 10 Pack, Industrial Temp |
10072H | 1000BASE-LX SFP 10 Pack, Hi | 1000BASE-LX SFP 10 Pack, Industrial Temp |
10311 | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 0.5M | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 0.5M |
10312 | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 1.0M | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 1.0M |
10313 | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 3.0M | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 3.0M |
10323 | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 5.0M* | QSFP+ passive copper cable, 5.0M |
10315 | QSFP+ active fiber cable, 10M | QSFP+ active fiber cable, 10M |
10316 | 20m QSFP+ Active Optical Cable | QSFP+ active fiber cable, 20M |
10318 | QSFP+ active fiber cable, 100M | QSFP+ active fiber cable, 100M |
10304 | 10GBASE-CR SFP+ 1m | 10GBASE-CR SFP+ pre-terminated twin-ax copper cable with link lengths of 1m |
10305 | 10GBASE-CR SFP+ 3m | 10GBASE-CR SFP+ pre-terminated twin-ax copper cable with link lengths of 3m |
16106 | Stacking Cable, 0.5M | SummitStack/UniStack™ Stacking Cable, 0.5M |
16107 | Stacking Cable, 1.5M | SummitStack/UniStack Stacking Cable, 1.5M |
16108 | Stacking Cable, 3.0M | SummitStack/UniStack Stacking Cable, 3.0M |
16105 | Stacking Cable, 5.0M | SummitStack Stacking Cable, 5.0M |
*= data networking, not stacking
Summit X460
- EN/ETSI 300 019-2-1 v2.1.2 – Class 1.2 Storage
- EN/ETSI 300 019-2-2 v2.1.2 – Class 2.3 Transportation
- EN/ETSI 300 019-2-3 v2.1.2 – Class 3.1e Operational
- EN/ETSI 300 753 (1997-10) – Acoustic Noise
- ASTM D3580 Random Vibration Unpackaged 1.5G
Summit X460-24t, X460-48t, X460-24x, and X460-48x
- Temp: 0° C to 45° C (32° F to 113° F)
Summit X460-24p, X460-48p
- Temp: 0° C to 40° C (32° F to 104° F)
- Humidity: 10% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
- Altitude: 0 to 3,000 meters (9,850 feet)
- Shock (half sine): 30 m/s2 (3G), 11 ms, 60 shocks
- Random vibration: 3 to 500Hz at 1.5G rms
- Temp: -40° C to 70° C (-40° F to 158° F)
- Humidity: 10% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
- Packaged Shock (half sine): 180 m/s2 (18G), 6 ms, 600 shocks
- Packaged Vibration: 5 to 62Hz at velocity 5 mm/s, 62 to 500Hz at 0.2G
- Packaged Random Vibration: 5 to 20Hz at 1.0 ASD w/–3 dB/oct. from 20 to 200Hz
- Packaged Drop Height: 14 drops minimum on sides and corners at 42 inches (<15 kg box)
North American ITE
- UL 60950-1 2nd Ed., Listed Device (US)
- CSA 22.2 #60950-1-03 2nd Ed. (Canada)
- Complies with FCC 21CFR 1040.10 (US Laser Safety)
- CDRH Letter of Approval (US FDA Approval)
European ITE
- EN 60950-1:2007 2nd Ed.
- EN 60825-1+A2:2001 (Lasers Safety)
- TUV-R GS Mark by German Notified Body
- 2006/95/EC Low-Voltage Directive
International ITE
- CB Report & Certificate per IEC 60950-1 2nd Ed. + National Differences
- AS/NZX 60950-1 (Australia/New Zealand)
EMI/EMC Standards
North American EMC for ITE
- FCC CFR 47 part 15 Class A (USA)
- ICES-003 Class A (Canada)
European EMC Standards
- EN 55022:2006+A1:2007 Class A
- EN 55024:A2-2003 Class A includes IEC 61000-4-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11
- EN 61000-3-2,8-2006 (Harmonics)
- EN 61000-3-3 2008 (Flicker)
- ETSI EN 300 386 v1.4.1, 2008-04 (EMC Telecommunications)
- 2004/108/EC EMC Directive
International EMC Certifications
- CISPR 22: 2006 Ed 5.2, Class A (International Emissions)
- CISPR 24:A2:2003 Class A (International Immunity)
- IEC 61000-4-2:2008/EN 61000-4-2:2009 Electrostatic Discharge, 8kV Contact, 15 kV Air, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-3:2008/EN 61000-4-3:2006+A1:2008 Radiated Immunity 10V/m, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-4:2004 am1 ed.2./EN 61000-4-4:2004/A1:2010 Transient Burst, 1 kV, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-5:2005 /EN 61000-4-5:2006 Surge, 2 kV L-L, 2 kV L-G, Level 3, Criteria A
- IEC 61000-4-6:2008/EN 61000-4-6:2009 Conducted Immunity, 0.15-80MHz, 10V/m unmod. RMS, Criteria A
- IEC/EN 61000-4-11:2004 Power Dips & Interruptions, >30%, 25 periods, Criteria C
Country Specific
- VCCI Class A (Japan Emissions)
- ACMA (C-Tick) (Australia Emissions)
- CCC Mark
- KCC Mark, EMC Approval (Korea)
Telecom Standards
- ETSI EN 300 386:2001 (EMC Telecommunications)
- ETSI EN 300 019 (Environmental for Telecommunications)
- NEBS Level 3 compliant to portions of GR-1089 Issue 4 and GR-63 Issue 3 as defined in SR3580 with exception to filter requirement
- MEF 9 compliant
- MEF 14 compliant
- IEEE 802.3 Media Access Standards
- IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T
- IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X
- IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-X
- IEEE 802.3at PoE Plus